Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall, libraries and community centers will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Development Project Plan Review

The following projects listed below, in accordance with Section 41-668 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code (SAMC), require Development Project Plan (DP) review by the City's Development Review Committee (DRC):

  • The new construction of any building or buildings, and additions to any existing building or buildings, if new floor space of two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet or more is constructed or added; but excluding the following: (a) single family homes; (b) room additions to duplexes; (c) tenant improvements not involving a change of use; (d) façade improvements; and (e) equipment covers or structures to cover equipment;
  • Tenant improvements involving an intensification or change in occupancy classification;
  • Any project that requires a discretionary approval; and
  • Construction of new digital billboard, conversion of an existing static billboard within to a digital billboard, conversion/reconstruction of existing on-premise digital signs, and relocation of billboards.

Discretionary approval means a conditionals use permit, variance, minor exception, tentative map approval, change in use district designation, or similar entitlement for development, the granting of which involves the exercise of discretion by staff, the Zoning Administrator, Historic Resources Commission, Planning Commission, and/or City Council.

Please note that conditional use permits for the operation of after-hours and/or for the sale of alcoholic beverages for on-site/off-site consumption do not require to go through the DP process, however, still require review by staff prior to the public hearing process and a request for review is required through this avenue.

Once a request is submitted, the Planning Division will review the request and assign to a Case Planner within 2-3 business days. After the project is assigned to a Case Planner, the Case Planner will contact the applicant to schedule a project submittal appointment. Over-the-counter submittals, or submissions proposed without an appointment, are not accepted.

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