Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall, libraries and community centers will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Newsletter Naming Contest

Posted on November 6, 2020

Good News is Coming

We’re reimagining our newsletter and we need your help to pick a new name! Our digital newsletter will be distributed citywide and will highlight items on the City Council meeting agenda, share general news, showcase upcoming events, and more.

Submit your entry for a new newsletter name below, along with your name and email. The winner will be announced in the first newsletter issue bearing the new name. Good luck!

Here are a few guidelines for submissions:

  • Submit only original work.
  • The name should be relatively short – about two to three words.
  • It should express a relationship to the City of Santa Ana and local government.
  • The name should be unique (we want our newsletter to have a title that is easily identifiable with the City of Santa Ana).
  • If you have a design in mind for the name (such as a certain font), submit that as well (not required).
  • Be creative and have fun!

Questions? Call (714) 647-5200.

Submit Your Newsletter Name

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