Santa Ana Main Library is closed for a two-year renovation project. Learn more here.

Office of the Chief of Police

Welcome to the Santa Ana Police Department. My name is Robert Rodriguez, and it is an honor and a privilege to serve as your Acting Chief of Police. As the Acting Chief, I want to reassure our community that our commitment to the safety and well-being of our residents remains steadfast. The dedicated men and women of our police department are unwavering in their dedication to serving and protecting our diverse community. We understand the importance of a seamless and reliable law enforcement presence, and we assure you that our officers will continue to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and vigilance. Your safety is our top priority, and we are resolute in our mission to maintain a secure and supportive environment for all.

Community policing remains at the heart of our approach. We believe in building strong relationships with you, our neighbors, as we work collectively to address concerns, prevent crime, and enhance the overall quality of life in Santa Ana. As we move forward, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and accountability within our police department. We are continuously reviewing and enhancing our training programs to ensure that our officers are well-equipped to handle the diverse challenges they may encounter while maintaining the utmost respect for the rights and dignity of every individual.

Together, as we navigate the future, our department will remain focused on community engagement, proactive policing, and building strong partnerships to ensure the continued prosperity of the City of Santa Ana. Thank you for your trust and continued collaboration as we work together to make our city an even better place for everyone.

2023 Year-End Review

Download 2023 Year-End Review



Chief Rodriguez Executive Officer, Commander Roland Andrade handles a variety of special projects for the Chief and also oversees the Community Engagement Division, Santa Ana PAAL, the Honor Guard and OCIAC.

Commander Jorge Lopez oversees Internal Affairs. Internal Affairs is staffed by three police sergeants, a police corporal, and two part-time office assistants. This unit is responsible for investigating allegations of employee misconduct, officer-involved shootings, in-custody deaths, as well as conducting organizational audits and representing the Department in providing records during court hearings.

The Public Information Officer (PIO), Natalie Garcia, is responsible for providing timely and transparent information to the media and members of the public concerning police matters. By actively utilizing social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Nixle, and Instagram, the Department has increased its ability to efficiently provide the public with information concerning public safety matters.

Tamara Bogosian Headshot

Senior Assistant City Attorney Tamara Bogosian is assigned as the Legal Advisor to the Santa Ana Police Department. Ms. Bogosian provides legal advice to the Department and handles legal matters involving the Department and its members.

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