Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Orange County Health Care Agency

The OC Health Care Agency serves the entire county and is charged with protecting and promoting individual, family, and community through a variety of service areas; most of which are preventive in nature. The HCA's mission is in partnership with community, to deliver sustainable and responsive services that promote population health and equity.

The HCA's ability to meet this mission will continue to include community collaboratives such as the Santa Ana Lead in Soil Roundtable and the Childhood Lead Poisoning Preventive Program, whose aims are to reduce lead exposure in soil, dust, paint, and water where families live, work, and play. Even small amounts of lead can harm a child's health. Click here to learn more about making your home lead-safe for your child. The only way to know if your child has lead poisoning is for your child to get tested for lead. As your child's doctor about a blood lead test. Many children at risk for lead poisoning have not been tested. For more information, call (714) 567-6220 or visit www.ochealthinfo.com/lead.

Certified United Program Agency (CUPA)

The Environmental Health Division was designated as the Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) for the County of Orange by the State Secretary for Environmental Protection on January 1, 1997.  CUPA coordinates the regulation of hazardous materials and hazardous wastes in Orange County.

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