Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Paramedic subscription

The paramedic subscription program is voluntary. The program provides coverage of emergency paramedic services within the City of Santa Ana to permanent residents at the cost of one annual subscription fee.  The coverage is only applicable if a subscription is active prior to paramedic service being provided.

Informational flyer promoting the paramedic subscription program

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Who is eligible to join the subscription program?

Any resident of a home or an assistant living residence within the City of Santa Ana may join. Guests or out of town visitors are not covered by this program.

What does the $70 subscription fee cover?

The subscriber fee covers all emergency medical services provided in the Santa Ana service area.

Whom does the subscription fee cover?

All permanent occupants of a subscriber’s household and individual subscribers within assisted living residences are covered.

Are visitors of occupant subscribers covered?

No. Only permanent occupants of a subscriber’s household are covered.

If I decide not to join the subscriber program, what are the charges for E.M.S. services?

Charges can range from $300 to in excess of $1,000 depending on the services provided.

If I move out of the city after paying the annual subscriber fee, will I be entitled to a refund?

No. Voluntary paramedic fees are not refundable.

Does subscription cover me outside the City of Santa Ana?

No. Subscription only covers emergency medical services within the City of Santa Ana.

Do I need an I.D. card to show emergency medical services personnel that I am a subscriber?

No. The City will verify your subscription.

Will the subscription cover routine ambulance transportation such as trips from the hospital to home or rest home to a hospital?

No. E.M.S. is for emergency use only.

Will paramedics still respond if I do not become a subscriber?

Absolutely. Paramedics will respond to all emergency calls for assistance.

Will I be responsible for any of the charges if I become a subscriber?

No. If you are a subscriber you will not be responsible for any fees aside from the annual subscription cost. However, your insurance, Medicare or Medi-Cal will be billed. If you are not a subscriber, the usual fees for services rendered will be billed to the person receiving the services.

What if I subscribe but do not have medical insurance?

If you are a subscriber and do not have medical insurance, Medicare, or Medi-Cal you will not be charged, aside from the annual subscription cost.

Will I be billed even if I am a subscriber?

In the event that you receive a bill, and your subscription is current, please contact the billing office immediately at 1 (800) 772-6552.

If I do not enroll in the subscription program, will my insurance company cover the per-call charge?

Insurance coverage varies. Please check with your employer or insurance company.

Will I be transported to the hospital of my choice?

No. Paramedics will transport you to the nearest available hospital.

If I don’t sign up, will I be denied medical services?

Under no circumstances will the delivery and application of available emergency medical services and ambulance transportation be delayed or refused based upon a person’s subscribership in the E.M.S. program or his/her ability or non-ability to pay.

How can I get more information on the Paramedic Subscription Program?

For additional program information download the Paramedic Subscription Program Enrollment form located at the top of this page or call (714) 647-5454.

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