Public Health and Safety
One of the key focuses of Revive Santa Ana is helping keep our residents healthy and safe-and helping minimize the spread of COVID-19. We will soon be launching several programs to invest in our public spaces, parks, businesses, and more.
Addition of Park/Open Space - $9,700,000
- Acquiring a variety of properties to create new parks, including locations at 10th and Flower, 4404 W 1st St, and more.
Centennial Lake Renovations - $3,700,000
- Revitalize the Centennial Lake to allow for more outdoor programming
First St. Slope Stabilization - $5,600,000
- The First Street Slope Stabilization Project included the installation of hardscape along dirt slopes near a railroad undercrossing, new security fencing, and a stormwater treatment device. The dirt slopes are severely eroded, which leads to the discharge of sediment into the City’s storm drain system during rain events. Additionally, encampments that form at the top of the slopes lead to the discharge of trash and debris during rain events. The goal of this project was to improve water quality via the stabilization of the dirt slopes, elimination of trespassing and encampments, and installation of a stormwater treatment device. This project improved pedestrian safety as the top of slopes will no longer be accessible to the public.
Gun Buyback Event - $162,600
- Gun buyback event to reduce violence in the City by taking guns and ammunition off the streets.
Property Compliance Assistance Program - $1,500,000
- Supported enhancement efforts for commercial properties that were negatively and/or adversely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic to facilitate revitalization, stimulate private investment, preserve and beautify commercial corridors, generate tourism and patronage, and create a pleasant walking environment by improving the physical aesthetics of commercial building facades for commercial buildings located within Qualified Census Tracts. Examples of façade improvements include but are not limited to restorations of building materials and architectural features, signage, awnings, fencing, doors, and parking lot resurfacing.
Public Health Plaza - $911,928
- Transformation of the courtyard outside of City Hall into an ADA-compliant Public Health Plaza. This outdoor Public Health plaza will be utilized for a variety of purposes, not limited to the following: host COVID-19 vaccination clinics, staging area for COVID testing, health/wellness programming/training, public communication efforts, community meetings, public recreation event space, and alternative/overflow outdoor Council Meeting space.
Rapid Response Homeless Services - $3,135,000
- The Santa Ana Multi-Disciplinary Response Teams program (SMART) addressed all non-emergency homeless calls in an effort to increase outreach focused on providing services, addressed mental health and helped more individuals transition out of homelessness.
Revive 5K Run - $60,000
- A community 5K event, featuring a health fair and vaccine clinic, to help encourage our residents to come outside and be active.
Santa Ana Winter Village - $967,000
- From December 2021 through January 2022, we transformed the Civic Center into a Winter Village, bringing in an ice rink, a mini Santa's Village, and other festive events into the heart of our City. Other events and activities were brought in each week, including a farmer's market and a food truck area, all to promote healthy, outdoor activities and bring foot traffic to our downtown area.
Security Upgrades at Senior and Community Centers and Parks - $400,000
- Funds to provide security cameras to enhance security in parks, trails, and senior and community centers.
Upgrade Park Restrooms - $4,200,000
- An important part of public health is having clean, accessible restrooms at our parks, allowing our residents to spend more time outdoors, being active and enjoying the fresh air.
- Six of our parks will get new restrooms from this project: Campesino, Madison, Angels, Heritage, Windsor, and Riverview.

Revive Santa Ana 5K
The Revive Santa Ana 5K Run took place on Saturday, October 23, 2021. Over 1,400 people of all ages participated in the free event and following health fair.

First Street Pedestrian Safety Project
This project includes the installation of hardscape along dirt slopes near a railroad undercrossing, new fencing, and a storm water treatment device.

Additional Park and Open Space
We're expanding our park and open space for residents to enjoy, including renovating community centers and acquiring land to create new parks.