Street sweeping is canceled on Thursday, March 13, 2025, due to rain.

Historic Preservation Design & Review

Any improvements or alterations to a property on the Santa Ana Register of Historic Properties, as well as those contributing properties located in a historic district, must meet the Secretary ofhistoric design Interior Standards for Rehabilitation and will require a Certificate of Appropriateness. Major alterations, relocations or demolitions are considered for approval by the Historic Resources Commission. Please contact the Planning Division for more information regarding alterations to your historic structure (714) 647-5804 or e-mail

The Design Guidelines and Historic Application information below provides guidance on the process for obtaining a Certificate of Appropriateness for new construction, repairs, and alterations to a historic resource.

Secretary of Interior Standards for Rehabilitation
Citywide Design Guidelines: Historic Structures (See Chapter 13 and Appendices)
French Park Design Guidelines
Heninger Park Design Guidelines
Neighborhood Review (French Park or Heninger Park only)

Solar Panel Installation on Historic Properties

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