- You may call (714) 647-5454 to speak with a Customer Service Representative and request that the MUS account be closed. The requests may also be sent by email to mus.info@santa-ana.org. All emailed requests must include the service address, reason for closing the account, name of the person making the request, final mailing address, and contact telephone number. You may also submit a request to close your account if you have created an online MUS account. You must log into your account and click on the Forms tab and choose Move Out Application Form.
- Property owners may be held responsible to pay all accrued charges regardless of occupancy or use for the period that the property was legally owned. If a deposit was made by either a tenant or a property owner when the MUS account was established then the deposit will be automatically applied to the final bill of the account that is being closed.
- A final bill will be mailed or emailed depending on the accounting settings established by the account holder prior to closing the account.