Street sweeping is canceled on Thursday, March 13, 2025, due to rain.


How can I determine if my property is eligible to apply?

  • Properties located within the Qualified Census tract as determined by HUD are eligible for the program. QCTs are areas having either 50% or more household incomes less than 60% of the area median gross income or poverty rate of at least 25%. The City of Santa Ana has fifteen (15) QCTs located in wards 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6.
  • To determine if your property is within a QCT, you may email us the address.

I’m applying as a corporation, do I need board approval before submittal?

  • Applications need to be signed by those with authority to make decisions as it relates to the property, property maintenance, etc. If that requires board approval, then yes, board approval for application submittal will be required as well.
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