What Types of Inspections Are Required?

  • Grading Permit: If a grading permit is required for your project, inspections are clearance of the initial grading work by a Public Works inspector will precede any building construction inspections.
  • Foundation Inspection: When the excavation for footings is complete and footing forms and required reinforcing steel and structural embedments are in place, but before any concrete is placed. (Also needed are separate underground electrical, plumbing and mechanical inspections).
  • Roof Sheathing Inspection: When all roof framing members are installed and the plywood or other sheathing is complete. All plumbing and mechanical vents are installed and flashed.
  • Wood Framing Inspection: When all roof, walls, and floor framing, fire blocking, draft stopping and all pipes, chimney, vents and duct work are in place, but before any work is covered. Wood framing inspection will not be approved until rough mechanical, electrical, and plumbing inspections are completed.
  • Insulation Inspection: When all thermal insulation is in place but before it is concealed. Inspect state energy requirement stated on the approved plans.
  • Lath and/or Gypsum Board Inspection: After all lath and gypsum board is in place but before any stucco is applied, or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and finished.
  • Reinforced Masonry Inspection: In grouted masonry before any units are laid up, all steel must be tied and in place ready for concrete foundation pour.  Grout inspection is required after units are laid. Final inspection is required after cells are grouted and cap is installed.
  • Structural Steel Inspection: When structural steel members are in place and required connections are complete but before concealing any members or connections. Certificates of Compliance are to be given to the City Inspector.
  • Re-roof Inspection: Sheathing inspection and building final inspection.
  • Electrical Inspections:
    • Underground: After conduit or cable has been installed in trench but not covered.
    • Rough wiring: Before any part of the work is concealed and prior to framing inspection. Telephone, television, intercom, security, doorbell and thermostat cable need to be in place for rough inspection. Compliance with Title 24 Requirements for Residential Lighting is checked.
    • Final: When all fixtures, appliances, and systems are in place and connected.
  • Plumbing Inspections:
    • Underground or sub-floor plumbing: After material has been installed and tested, including sewer . Sewer Cap, is inspected for demolition projects.
    • Rough plumbing: Before any part of the work is concealed (including shower pan hot map), prior to framing inspection and after roofing is installed.
    • Gas piping test: After lath or gypsum board has been installed.
    • Shower pan
    • Final: After all fixtures are in place and connected.
  • Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Inspections:
    • Underground/Sub-floor duct inspection.
    • Rough: Before any part of the work is concealed, metal fireplace rough, prior to framing inspection and after roofing is installed.
    • Final: All appliances and equipment are in place and connected. Performance test may be required.
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