Can a landlord charge the new rent increase on September 1?
Landlords can only increase rent to the allowable rent increase once in a 12 month period.
Landlords can only increase rent to the allowable rent increase once in a 12 month period.
Once your request for Pre-Approved ADU Building Plan Check has been received, you will be invited (via email) to create an account and submit your project materials into a portal for review. Please follow the E-Plan Check Review Upload and Submittal Guide for file naming, size requirements and uploading instructions. You will have 10 days … Continued
All Pre-Approved ADU’s require an address to be assigned prior to submittal of Plans. To request a new address, please email the Planning Division at with a brief description of your project and a Site Plan identifying all existing buildings on the property and the location of proposed detached ADU. Please allow up to … Continued
Project Name Address (and Ward) Applicant Property Owner Project Status First Harbor Mixed-Use Development 101 N. Harbor Boulevard (Ward 5) Charles “Chuck” Minyard Primior, Inc. Entitlements Approved 3rd and Broadway Mixed-Use Development 201 W. 3rd Street (Ward 5) Mike Harrah, Caribou Industries City of Santa Ana Permits Issued 4th and Mortimer Mixed-Used Development 409 E. … Continued
During Main Library’s closure and renovation, access to Library collections will be limited. Please visit Newhope Library, the Knowledge Mobile or online at the eLibrary for to access to Library collections including books, eResources and all other materials.
Please call the Newhope Library at 714-647-6992. Click here to fill out an online contact form.
Surplus Library furniture in good and usable condition will be available to purchase online at from 7/1/2024 – 7/10/2024
Yes. You can sign up for a library card at the Newhope Library branch, any of Knowledge Mobile’s stops, along with El Salvador Community Center, Garfield Community Center, Jerome Center, and Roosvelt-Walk Center. See our website for library locations and service hours. A library card is free for all California residents. You can also click … Continued