Archives: FAQs

Step 4. Prepare and Finalize Documents for E-Plan Check Review

While you wait for a response, please ensure you have all the following  documents, which are required for Pre-Approved ADU Plan submittal. Pre-Approved ADU Submittal Checklist, use this sheet as a guide to ensure your plans meet all necessary requirements for submittal. Pre-Approved ADU Application and Affidavit Hold Harmless Agreement Site Plan detailing the Pre-Approved … Continued

Tier 2 Projects

Resident interior remodels Residential patio covers Window change-outs of non-historical properties Pool and/or spa Installation of air conditioning condensers All tenant improvements not involving a change of occupancy/use Tenant improvements involving a change of occupancy/use of less than 2,500 sq. ft. and which fall under of the following uses: Professional, business, and administrative offices; Service … Continued

Step 1. Determine Eligibility

To utilize Santa Ana’s Pre-Approved ADU Plans, your property must meet the following requirements: Project site is developed or proposed to be developed with a single-family dwelling unit Not located in a flood zone (Zone A or AE) Not located in a historic district (French Park (SD-19), Downtown Historic District, and Floral Park) Not located … Continued

Step 3. Submit a Building Plan Check Request

Projects utilizing the Pre-Approved ADU Plans can only submit via electronic plan check. Pre-Approved ADU plans qualify as Tier 2 Projects and are eligible for Planning and Building concurrent review. Click here to request an electronic plan review for a new Pre-Approved ADU. Please allow up to 3 business days for staff to process your request … Continued

Tier 1 Projects

Residential and Non-Residential Additions less than 2,500 sq. ft. (anything over 2,500 sq. ft. requires Development Project Review) Residential & Non-Residential Façade Modifications New Single Family Dwelling Unit New Accessory Dwelling Unit/Junior Accessory Dwelling Unit New Landscape Projects greater than 500 sq. ft. and Rehabilitated Landscape Projects Greater than 2,500 sq. ft. Residential Front Yard … Continued

Do I have to provide parking for an ADU? Am I exempt from parking?

For ADUs, one parking space is required for newly constructed units unless the unit is: Within 1/2 mile of public transit. Created within the area of an existing building. In a historic district. Not offered an on-street parking permit when one is required. On the same block as a car share. A studio unit. No … Continued

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