Archives: FAQs

Disbursement of Funds

Funds will be disbursed to eligible approved applicants after the close of the application period with Priority 1 applicants receiving the first round of funding. This will be followed by additional rounds to fund businesses in priority order until funds are exhausted. Grant recipients will receive the approved funding in one disbursement via and Electronic … Continued

Grant Administration

The City of Santa Ana’s Economic Development Division will administer the grant program. The City will accept, review, approve applications, and issue grant payments.

Grant Application Period

The grant application will be available from June 15 through August 15. A second application period may open if funds are remaining after all approved applications are funded.

Reporting Guidelines

Businesses are required to report how the funds were spent in accordance with the program requirements via a city provided portal and will need to provide the following: Certification regarding the use of grant funds will be required Documentation of the paid grant expenses (canceled checks, bank statements, credit card transactions) to document the authorized … Continued

Priority and First Come First Serve Basis

Applications will be reviewed on a first come first serve basis, and funded through the following priority groups until funds are exhausted: Businesses that HAVE NOT received previous *City grant funding: Priority 1) Businesses that experienced a 20% or more decrease in revenue from 2019 to 2020 and that have not received *City grant funding … Continued

Eligible Expenses of Grant

Grant funds may be used for the following: Payment of past due rent and fees. Past due rent and fees must be documented at the time of application with a lease agreement and one of the following: Invoice from the leasing company/property owner; Official letter from the leasing company/property owner or; Rent ledger from leasing … Continued

Eligibility Requirements

Businesses must meet the following eligibility requirements: For-profit business located in Santa Ana in operation as of 2018 Valid and Active Santa Ana Business License Valid Certificate of Occupancy (if required by the City) Business owner identification Must be a small business documented at the time of application by having 25 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees … Continued

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