Archives: FAQs

How do I get a library card?

A library card is free for California residents. You’ll need to bring a photo ID and proof of address. If you’re a Santa Ana Unified School District student, you can use your student ID as a library card. If you’re younger than 14, you must be accompanied by a parent. Learn more about how to … Continued

How do I apply for a City job?

Our employees are our greatest asset, and we seek individuals who are excited about a challenge, are creative, and dare to make a difference. We are a results-driven team who care about each other and the needs of residents in our community. If you think you’d be a good fit for our organization, check out … Continued

How do I register as a vendor with the City?

The City’s bid management system allows vendors to register online, receive automated email notification of solicitations for goods and services pertinent to their businesses, obtain bid documents and specifications, submit bids online, and view bid results. Vendors must be registered in the system in order to download bid documents and submit bids online.

What is a formal bid?

A bid valued at $25,000 and over, are solicited via competitive, sealed Invitations For Bid (IFB), which are accessible from the City’s e-Procurement portal. Bids are awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder meeting the City’s specifications.

What is an informal bid?

Informal bids, valued less than $25,000, require competitive bidding. At their discretion, buyers may solicit quotes via phone, fax, or internet. Bids are awarded to successful vendors based upon their ability to provide maximum quality goods and services at a minimum price. To ensure your quotation is evaluated fairly, all written quotes should include the … Continued

Where can I find the street sweeping schedule for my neighborhood?

Residential City streets are swept every week and are posted with the day and time of the sweeping schedule. View the street sweeping schedule map on our website to find out when your street is swept. It is illegal to park on the street during the scheduled sweeping times. Vehicles parked on the street when … Continued

How can I find out if street sweeping is cancelled?

We typically only cancel street sweeping due to bad weather. If we cancel street sweeping, we will send an alert through our City website’s news feed, on City social media, through subscribed email alerts, and by push notification from the mySantaAna app. You can also call us at (714) 647-3380 to find out if street … Continued

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