Red Flag Warning, Wind Advisory and Dust Advisory in effect

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Archives: FAQs

How do I submit a rent increase?

A rent increase must be served 60 days in advance and submitted to the tenant and housing authority simultaneously. Please submit rent increase requests directly to, and not your caseworker. An email confirmation will be sent once the rent increase has been received.

How do I set up electricity service?

Southern California Edison provides electricity service to residents and businesses in Santa Ana. Learn about how to set up your account, pay your bill, outages, and more on the Southern California Edison website.

What should I do if I want to move?

If you are a tenant on our housing choice voucher program Serve a 30-Day notice to vacate to your property manager Submit a copy of the 30-Day notice to your housing specialist Once processed, your housing specialist will provide you with a request for tenancy approval (RTA) packet and an updated voucher Find a new … Continued

How do I set up gas service?

SoCalGas provides gas services to residents and businesses in Santa Ana. Learn about how to set up an account, pay your bill, report a gas leak, and more on the SoCalGas website.

How do I report an income change?

To report an income change, please submit a Change Report Form. Change Report Forms can be found in the reception area of the Housing Authority office or printed here. Please submit all change report forms by mail or deliver in the drop off box at the reception area of Housing Authority.

How do I set up waste and recycling service?

Republic Services  provides trash and recycling service to residents and businesses in Santa Ana. Learn about trash service, recycling, yard waste, and more on the  Republic Services website.

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