Archives: FAQs

What is a Permit?

A permit is an official document or certificate issued by the City which authorizes performance of a specified activity. Permits help to ensure that minimum codes, regulations, local ordinances and safety requirements are properly followed in residential and commercial structures. There are several different types of permits, based on the type of construction: Building Permits … Continued

What Types of Inspections Are Required?

Grading Permit: If a grading permit is required for your project, inspections are clearance of the initial grading work by a Public Works inspector will precede any building construction inspections. Foundation Inspection: When the excavation for footings is complete and footing forms and required reinforcing steel and structural embedments are in place, but before any … Continued

When Are Inspections Required?

All construction or work for which a permit is required is subject to one or more inspections by the Building Safety Division. All such construction or work shall remain accessible and exposed for inspection purposes until approved by the Building Official. In addition, certain types of construction shall have inspections by deputy building inspectors, as … Continued


A method by which the City takes action to remove or correct a violation. Abatement is used for: Removing signs posted illegally in the public right-of-way Removing inoperative vehicles from private property Removing stagnant water from private pools and ponds Repairing plumbing problems resulting in raw sewage Correcting dangerous building conditions that are an immediate … Continued

What Does the Inspector Do?

The city inspector checks the work that is being done for compliance with the approved plans and applicable codes and ordinances. The inspector will check each phase of the job and shall approve it before the next part of the job begins. The inspection job card given to you when permits are issued will list … Continued

Administrative Nuisance Hearing

A hearing conducted when a property owner fails to bring their property into compliance when required by the City. The property owner is notified when and where the hearing will take place, as this is the opportunity to bring evidence and explain to a hearing officer why compliance has been delayed. The hearing officer bases … Continued

Notice & Order

Similar to a Notice of Violation, it serves as a notice to classify and abate violations involving a dangerous building. A Notice & Order is recorded with the County and will “cloud the title” of a property. It is useful in hindering the sale of a dangerous property to potential buyers who may be unaware … Continued

Notice of Parking Violation

A “Parking Cite” is issued to a vehicle in violation of Municipal Code Sections. The cite requires the payment of a fine, the amount of which is set by the Miscellaneous Fee Schedule adopted each year by the City. Failure to pay the cite may impact a vehicle owner’s ability to re-register the vehicle annually.

Notice of Violation

A document used to notify a property owner(s) of violations observed on their property. It serves as a demand to correct a violation and can ultimately end up in the City Attorney’s Office for criminal prosecution. If compliance is achieved within the specified time frame, there is no penalty assessment associated with a Notice of … Continued

Criminal Complaint

Sometimes, after having been through the City’s hearing process, property owners still fail to bring their properties into compliance. When this occurs, Code Enforcement staff prepares all necessary documents and refers the case file to the City Attorney’s Office for criminal prosecution. Once this happens, all contact between the City and the property owner is … Continued

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