Archives: FAQs

Notice to Appear

Also commonly referred to as a misdemeanor citation or “NTA”, it is issued directly to a violator who must sign as a “promise to appear” in court. A recipient of this type of criminal citation must appear in court before a judge on the date noted on the “NTA”. Failure to appear could result in … Continued

Administrative Fine

If compliance is not achieved through a Warning Notice, and Administrative Citation/Fine is issued. The fine amount is set by resolution of the City Council. Short Term Rentals: fines for violations involving short-term rentals progress in amounts not to exceed $1,500, $3,000, and $5,000 for subsequent violation(s) of the same ordinance within one year from … Continued

On election day, how and where do I vote?

Before each election, the Registrar of Voters sends every registered voter a Voter Information Guide “Sample Ballot” that lists the candidates and tells the voter where to vote. To see voting options, including the locations of Vote Centers and Ballot Drop Boxes, please visit

How do I become a registered voter in Santa Ana?

Any person who is 18 years of age and a citizen of the United States or naturalized citizen can register to vote by filling out an Affidavit of Registration or registering online at:  Check the Registrar of Voters website  for further information.  Registration forms are available at the following locations: County of Orange Registrar of … Continued

Warning Notice

Allows a property owner or tenant a specific amount of time, usually 30 days or less, to correct a violation without penalty .

Who is responsible for conducting City elections?

The City Clerk serves as the elections official for the City of Santa Ana and works with the Orange County Registrar of Voters to conduct elections for the City of Santa Ana.  The City Clerk’s staff advises candidates about procedures; accepts and maintains campaign finance disclosure statements; provides voter registration forms; and provides maps and … Continued

Does the City of Santa Ana have campaign contribution limits?

Yes. Santa Ana City Charter Section 1206 provides that candidates for city office shall accept no more than $1,000 from any one person per election cycle.  “Election cycle” is the period of time between the date of an election to the office of Mayor or Councilmember and the date of the next election to the … Continued

When do candidates who are elected take office?

The Registrar of Voters Office certifies election results (the Registrar has up to 30 days following Election Day).  The final results are sent to the City Clerk who in turn presents them to the City Council at a Special Meeting for acceptance.  The City Council approves the election results. The City Clerk administers the Oath … Continued

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