Archives: FAQs

What kind of signs can I use for my business?

The City has many sign regulations within the Municipal Code. Before you invest in any sign, call the Planning Division at (714) 647-5804 to ask whether you can or cannot use a particular method of advertising. The following types of signs are prohibited: Freestanding, A-frame and portable signs Aerial and balloon signs or “arches” Signs … Continued

When can I have a garage sale?

Refer to the information under Garage/Yard Sales. The regulations are for residential properties. If you are a business or church, you must obtain a Land-use Certificate to conduct an outdoor activity.

What is an estate sale?

An estate sale is held when the resident is either deceased or must be relocated to a care facility and the home will be vacated and/or sold. If you are going to hold an estate sale, call Code Enforcement at (714) 667-2780 and provide the following information: Address for sale Date(s) of the sale Who … Continued

What if I see a violation occurring on public property?

Code Enforcement does not have enforcement authority on public streets, alleys, or sidewalks. For other types of violations or situations occurring on public property, please contact one of the following numbers: Fire/Police (Non-Emergency) – (714) 834-4211 Vehicle blocking the sidewalk – (714) 245-8225 Junk vehicle in the street – (714) 245-8225 Auto repairs in the … Continued

How do I report a complaint and/or violation?

Call Code Enforcement at (714) 667-2780 or report the violation online. You must provide a street address for the location you are reporting. You can report a complaint at anytime of the day. A voicemail system will accept calls after hours.

What records are not open for inspection or will not be disclosed?

In balancing the public’s right to access public records with the recognized individual right of privacy and the need for government agencies to be able to competently perform their duties, the Legislature has established certain categories of records as exempt from public disclosure. A complete list of statutory exemptions is found in the Public Records … Continued

What will the City’s response to a records request include?

In responding to information requests, we will advise the person submitting the request, by telephone or by mail as appropriate, of (1) the location, date, and time at which the requested records may be inspected; (2) if copies of records are requested, the cost of providing such copies; (3) which of the records requested are … Continued

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