Archives: FAQs

How will I know what jobs I’m qualified for and when to apply?

Whenever a position becomes available for open recruitment, the City of Santa Ana Human Resources Department issues a job announcement for the position. The job announcement contains a brief job summary, statement of minimum education and experience qualifications, and a description of any special qualifications that may be required, i.e., licenses, certifications, etc. An opening … Continued

How can I dispose of household hazardous waste?

If you have pesticides, cleaners, batteries, pool chemicals and paints in addition to other chemicals found around your home, proper disposal facilities are nearby. The County of Orange offers free disposal for household hazardous waste at several locations close to Santa Ana. The collection centers are open Tuesday through Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 … Continued

How can I report illegal dumping in storm drains?

The City conducts regular inspections and maintenance of the sewer system. A fund has been established to replace or repair worn out sewer laterals using city crews, within the public right-of-way.  Call (714) 647-3380 for assistance. The introduction of fats, oils and grease are detrimental to the proper functioning of the sewer system. See how to eliminate fats, … Continued

I’ve been seeing graffiti in my neighborhood. How can I get it removed?

Call the Graffiti Hotline at (877) 786-7824 (877 – STOPTAG) to report graffiti or you can report an issue through our website or through the MySantaAna app. If it is on public property or fences facing the street, it will be removed within 1-2 days. For graffiti found in unincorporated areas or on County-owned and maintained property, … Continued

How can I find out about recycling and trash services?

Put your trash carts at the curb no earlier than 4:00 pm on the day before your scheduled collection, and put them out of sight by midnight the day your trash is collected. Never leave your carts at the curb beyond your scheduled trash day. If you see carts in public view, help us by … Continued

How can I dispose of used motor oil?

The City provides curbside used motor oil and filter collection at no charge. Contact Republic Services at (657) 467-6220 to receive your free oil container and filter bag. After you have filled the container with used motor oil, and placed your used oil filter in the plastic bag, call Republic Services to schedule a pickup. … Continued

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