Can the City Attorney represent private citizens?
No. The City Attorney does not represent individuals in private legal matters. Attorneys in the office only represent City departments and agencies in the course of their official business.
No. The City Attorney does not represent individuals in private legal matters. Attorneys in the office only represent City departments and agencies in the course of their official business.
The City Attorney, along with the City Manager and the City Clerk, is directly selected by, and serves at the pleasure of the City Council. The City of Santa Ana, represented by the City Council, is the City Attorney’s “client.”
The City Attorney is the attorney for the City of Santa Ana, and is appointed by the City Council. The attorneys in the Office provide legal services to the Mayor, City Council, Redevelopment Agency and the various agencies, boards, commissions and offices of the City of Santa Ana. The Office also prosecutes violations of the … Continued
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For more information, contact Planning at (714) 667-2700 or visit
For fire hydrant construction meter rental fees please click here Construction meters website.
Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month, 5:30 pm. Commission meetings are held in the City Council Chambers and can be viewed virtually. For updated information, please visit
How to obtain a permit for fire hydrant construction meter please click here Construction meters website.
Main Line – (714) 667-2700 Planning – (714) 647-5804 Building Safety – (714) 647-5800 Building Inspections – (714) 667-2738 Code Enforcement – (714) 667-2780
To be eligible for a parking permit, you must live on a qualifying block in a permit parking district. Parking signage is posted within each permit parking district. Permits are processed at the Public Works Agency counter, Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM, and alternate Fridays from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM … Continued