Archives: FAQs

Madison Park Neighborhood Association

GREEN-MPNA (Getting Residents Engaged in Empowering Neighborhoods) and its programming emerged from needs identified by Madison Park parents and youth, including (1) supporting youth and families to pursue educational and leadership opportunities and (2) improving health equity outcomes through wellness programs and environmental justice policy work. Learn more.

Local Regulatory Agencies and Environmental Justice Organizations

Orange County Water District The Orange County Water District (OCWD) is responsible for managing the vast groundwater basin that provides most of northern and central Orange County’s drinking water. Orange County Health Care Agency The OC Health Care Agency serves the entire county and is charged with protecting and promoting individual, family, and community through a variety … Continued

State Regulatory Agency

Department of Toxic Substances Control The role of the DTSC is to protect California’s people and the environment from the harmful effects of toxic substances by restoring contaminated resources, enforcing hazardous waste laws, reducing hazardous waste generation, and encouraging the manufacture of chemically safer products. Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment The Office of Environmental … Continued

Federal Regulatory Agency

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) mission is to protect human health and the environment. Learn more

What happens if the contractor changes or requires resubmittal of plans?

SolarAPP+ allows up to 3 revisions under the $35.00 fee.  They must resubmit the application to SolarAPP+ and once the resubmittal is approved, they will receive a modified permit number, for example: Original SolarAPP+ ID: SA20230117-242-19-1234-A First Approved Revision SolarAPP+ ID:SA20230117-242-19-1234-B Second Approved Revision SolarAPP+ ID: SA20230117-242-19-C Third and Last Approved Revision SolarAPP+ ID: SA20230117-242-19-1234-D … Continued

Who Can Apply for SolarAPP+ Permits?

Contractors who have completed training and are approved by SolarAPP+ are the only applicants that are accepted to use this streamlined process on SolarAPP+

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