Archives: FAQs

What are zoning restrictions in the city?

The Planning Division maintains the City’s General Plan and Zoning documents. Planning is also responsible for environmental review, historic preservation, implementation of commercial cannabis regulations, and new development. Planning provides staff support to the City’s Planning Commission, the Historic Resources Commission, and the City Council. To learn about zoning restrictions in Santa Ana, visit their … Continued

As a homeowner or tenant, how do I find out what I can do on my property?

Before you do anything, call the Planning Division at (714) 647-5804 to see whether you are permitted to do what you want to do! In addition, alterations and repairs to your home usually require permits. Homes in a historic district may have additional restrictions. Visit this webpage to learn more.

How do I pay a ticket?

You can do so by mail, in person, or online with any major credit card, debit card, or by check. Make your check or money order payable to the City of Santa Ana and write the license plate number on your check or money order.

How do I dispute a ticket?

If you wish to contest a parking citation online please visit our website or contact the Citation Processing Center at (800) 989-2058. A review must be made within 21 calendar days of receiving the citation.

What is a Certificate of Occupancy and who is required to have one?

Every business, including temporary or itinerant businesses, operating from commercial premises within Santa Ana is required to obtain a Certificate of Occupancy for their commercial location and comply with any and all applicable provisions of the Santa Ana Municipal Code relating to zoning, building, and fire safety. For information on Certificate of Occupancy requirements, please … Continued

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