Is there a senior citizen discount?
No discounts are provided for outstanding balances or applied to utility rates.
No discounts are provided for outstanding balances or applied to utility rates.
No discounts are provided for outstanding balances.
Please contact our office at (714) 647-5454 to determine if your meter needs to be checked. If the meter is damaged, the City will cover the costs of repair. If your property has a leak or a faucet was left running, you will be held responsible for the repairs and all charges that may arise … Continued
Submit building department plan check resubmittals Pick up building department corrections
The Planning and Building Agency provides Online-Permits service. For further information, visit
Mechanical Permit Building Permit Electrical Permit Plumbing Permit Bathroom Fan Fan Coil Clothes dryer Replacement Laundry Fan Environmental Air Fan Reroof (like-for-like) Water Heater Tankless Water Heater Service Meter 0-1199 amps Garbage Disposal Hose Bibb On-site Sewer Alter/Repair Interior Water Piping Water Service Water Heater Tankless Water Heater Instahot
Mechanical Permit Building Permit Electrical Permit Plumbing Permit Bathroom Fan Fan Coil Furnace (over 100,00 BTU) Furnace (up to 100,00 BTU) Mini Splits Gas Piping Incidental Alter/Repair Air vents Clothes dryer Replacement Laundry Fan Environmental Air Fan Range Fan Reroof (like-for-like) Windows Retrofit 125 Volt Receptacle Dedicated Circuit/EV chargers Factory Wired Unit (FWU) Light … Continued
Interior remodel, such as kitchen and bathroom remodels and alterations that do not create new rooms such as bedrooms or bathrooms Replacement of existing exterior stucco or siding like-for-like Interior drywall replacement Mechanical permits Electrical permits Plumbing permits
Once plan check fees have been received, staff will review application and materials and notify applicant on any further direction. After all required departments have reviewed application and materials and they have been approved, staff will finalize any required permit fees and applicant will be directed to submit final payments. Once all payments have been … Continued