Red Flag Warning, Wind Advisory and Dust Advisory in effect

Find updates on fire impacts in Santa Ana here.

Rent Stabilization Ordinance community resources

If you believe the owner or property manager for your rental unit or mobile home may not be in compliance with our ordinance, or you need help with our rules, please reach out to one of the our community partners.

Community Legal Aid SoCal

Public Law Center

Fair Housing Council of Orange County

Latino Health Access

Get additional help

The California Courts Self-Help Guide assists landlords and tenants by offering the following resources:

Visit the California Courts website for more eviction and housing self-help resources.

Get mediation services are

Mediation is a voluntary collaborative process wherein the landlord and tenant(s) who have a disagreement can develop options, consider alternatives, and develop a consensual agreement. The role of the Mediator is to facilitate open communication to resolve a dispute in a non-adversarial and confidential manner.

Contact us to access mediation services.

More information is available in Section 8-3146 of the Rent Stabilization and Just Cause Eviction Ordinance.

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