No one likes potholes and they seem to pop up almost overnight. Potholes are created in many ways, and the most common way is when water seeps into cracks on the surface of the road. Water combined with the vibration of the tires over the cracks may eventually cause the asphalt to fail and create a pothole.
The extremely high rain amount over the past seven days exceeded 6-inches and nearing record levels, has produced an unusually high number of potholes on City of Santa Ana streets. The City’s Public Works Maintenance Services Staff are working very hard to repair these potholes as fast as possible and are working extended hours and will also work through the weekend to improve street conditions.
If you notice a pothole on a Santa Ana street, please submit a request through the reporting options noted below and a crew will be dispatched to inspect the area and make the necessary repairs. We thank you for your patience and with your assistance in reporting service requests.
You can request pothole repairs through the following:
- Download the City’s Smartphone Application: mySantaAna
- Call the Public Works Dispatch at (714) 647-3380