Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Resident Stimulus Program Guidelines

The Revive Santa Ana Resident Stimulus program provided $300 pre-paid visa cards as an economic support to mitigate negative economic impacts of the pandemic. The support was targeted to rental households in economically disadvantaged areas as determined by HUD’s Qualified Census Tracts and Census Tracts and to areas with poverty rates of over 42%.

Funding for this program was made possible by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) through U.S. Department of Treasury Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) allocated to the City of Santa Ana.

I. Program eligibility

Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund Section 603(c)(1)(a) provides that funds may be used to respond to the public health emergency or its negative economic impacts, including assistance to households, small businesses, and nonprofits, or aid to impacted industries such as tourism, travel, and hospitality.

The program responds to negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency by providing direct assistance to households classified as Expenditure Category (EC) 2.3 Household Assistance: Cash Transfers.

Per the interim final rule, in assessing whether a household or population experienced economic harm as a result of the pandemic, a recipient may presume that a household or population that experienced unemployment or increased food or housing insecurity or is low- or moderate-income experienced negative economic impacts resulting from the pandemic.

The City will provide cash assistance via a pre-paid visa cards to a population that is low- or moderate-income meeting the presumed benefit criteria. The support will be disbursed to rental households in economically disadvantaged areas as determined by HUD’s Qualified Census Tracts and Census tracts and Census Tracts in areas with poverty rates of over 42%. (See Revive Santa Ana Resident Stimulus Program Eligible Areas Map)

The City recognizes the disproportionate impact of the pandemic in low-income, high poverty, dense and overcrowded living conditions, and as such is targeting the distribution of the cash assistance to rental units in the target areas.

II. Size of the cash assistance

The Revive Santa Ana Business Program will provide $300 in the form of a pre-paid visa card.

III. Eligible households/housing units

Eligible households for this assistance include rental units registered with the City of Santa Ana’s Proactive Rental Enforcement Program (PREP) located in the Revive Santa Ana Resident Stimulus Program Eligible Areas Map.

The PREP promotes public health, safety, and welfare through a systematic proactive code enforcement effort towards residential rental property throughout the City of Santa Ana. Property owners who enter into the residential property rental business are imposed a rental surcharge to pay the enforcement costs of the PREP program including inspection and administration. PREP promotes an environment in which unhealthy conditions and life safety hazards are reduced for occupants of residential rental property by identifying and correcting code violations.

Santa Ana Residents that are renting a housing unit in Santa Ana that is not registered with the City as a PREP unit, but is within the eligible areas as determined by the Revive Santa Ana Resident Stimulus Program Eligible Areas Map, may be eligible for the assistance payment subject to funding availability. Residents may contact the City’s Economic Development Division for additional information.

IV: Disbursement of cash assistance

The distribution will be conducted to rental units in Census Tracts with at least 42% poverty rate per the Revive Santa Ana Resident Stimulus Program Eligible Areas Map. Distribution will commence in the census tracts with the areas indicating the highest rates of poverty.

City staff will visit each rental unit to provide the cash assistance. Staff will knock on the door and request to speak with a responsible party to the household to provide program information and the cash assistance via the $300 pre-paid visa cards. If a responsible party is not home, the City will mail program information to the household, inclusive of card pick-up options.

V: Household eligibility requirements to receive cash assistance

To receive the cash assistance a recipient will need to do the following:

  • Present identification
  • Provide a phone number
  • Sign a certification/attestation log to document the following:
    • Recipient is a responsible party living in the household
    • Receipt of the cash assistance (gift/debit card)

VI: Limit on number of pre-paid visa cards per household

There is a limit of one gift card per household.

For more information, contact call (714) 647-3300 or email revive@santa-ana.org.

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