Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall and non-essential services will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Business Resource Directory

Below is a helpful roadmap to get you started as a Santa Ana business owner. Additionally, we have a list of helpful resources for as business owners. Please click on the drop down menus of each resource category for contact information.

Starting a business in Santa Ana roadmap

Orange County/Inland Empire Small Business Development Center
Phone: (800) 616-7232

California Manufacturing Technology Consulting
Phone: (714) 444-9996

Internal Revenue Service

Public Law Center (https://www.publiclawcenter.org/)
Phone: (714) 541-5157

Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE)
Phone: (714) 550-7369

Southern California Edison
Phone:(626) 302-1212

South Coast Air Quality Management District
Phone: (909) 396-2000

Inspection Requests
Phone:(714) 667-2738

California State University, Fullerton

University of California, Irvine

Santa Ana College

Santa Ana Unified School District

Chapman University

Export Assistance Partners

  • State and federal resources available in California to further support international trade development for your business

Export and Trade Assistance

  • The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) provides small businesses with the resources needed to expand into trading and exporting

International Trade Administration

  • U.S. government resource for competing in the global market

U.S. Commercial Service (Department of Commerce)

  • Offering export assistance, finding new international sales opportunities, and more

Select USA

  • Foreign direct investment

Southland Economic Development Corporation
Phone:(714) 647-1143

CDFI Clearinghouse
Phone:(714) 525-4964

Graffiti Removal
Phone:(877) 786-7824

Street Sweeping
Phone:(714) 647-3380

Curbs, Sidewalks, Potholes and Street Lights
Phone:(714) 647-3380

Street Paving, Repairs
Phone:(714) 647-3330

Weed Abatement
Phone:(714) 647-3380

Abandoned Large Item Pick-Up
Phone:(714) 647-3380

Abandoned Vehicle Pick-Up
On Private Property:(714) 245-8200
On Public Street:(714) 245-8225

Any Emergency (Fire, Police, Medical)
Phone: 911

Phone: (714) 834-4211

Foreign Trade Zone
Phone: (562) 283-7750

HUB Zone Program
Phone: (714) 550-7420

Southern California Edison
Phone: (626) 302-1212

Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
Phone: (714) 656-2695

Signal Repair
Phone: (714) 647-5621

Traffic Operations
Phone: (714) 647-5619

Transportation Permits
Phone: (714) 647-5039

City of Santa Ana WORK Center
Phone: (714) 565-2600

Santa Ana Chamber of Commerce
Phone: (714) 541-5353

Southeast Los Angeles County WIB
Phone: (714) 402-9336

Workplace Learning Resource Center & ACT Center
Phone: (714) 564-5521

Southern California Edison
Phone: (714) 655-4555

Southern California Gas Company
Phone: (800) 427-2200 (Residential Customers)
Phone: (800) 427-2000 (Commercial and Industrial Customers)

Santa Ana Water
Phone: (714) 647-3341

Water Customers Service & Billing
Phone: (714) 647-5454

Water Maintenance & Construction
Phone: (714) 647-3341

Water & Sewer Permits
Phone: (714) 647-5454

Sewer/Storm Drain Maintenance
Phone: (714) 647-3380

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