![Safe Routes to Project Boundary for Artesia Pilar Neighborhood](https://storage.googleapis.com/proudcity/santaanaca/uploads/2022/04/Safe-Routes-to-Project-Boundary-for-Artesia-Pilar-Neighborhood.jpg)
The Traffic Engineering Department of the City’s Public Works Agency partnered with Fremont Elementary, Romero-Cruz Academy (formerly Spurgeon Intermediate) and the Artesia Pilar Neighborhood Association to conduct Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) walkability audits in November 2017 and March 2018. These audits identified deficiencies and potential hazards in the City’s infrastructure along the routes students used leading up to the schools. Following the walkability audits, SRTS plans were prepared that identified safety and infrastructure improvement recommendations for the routes.
The City received $5.7 million dollars in grant funds in June 2018 from the State-administered Active Transportation Program (ATP) for these improvements. The work will include bulb-outs, high-visibility crosswalks, sidewalk and wheelchair ramp repairs, bikeways, traffic safety improvements to the intersection of English at 15th streets, a new traffic signal at the intersection of Sullivan and 5th streets, and rubber speed cushions on Washington Avenue from King Street to Bristol Street. This project, called the Fremont and Spurgeon SRTS ATP Project, has just started the design phase and has an anticipated completion of design by summer 2023 with construction anticipated to start in fall/winter 2023. Public Works gives a special thank you to the Artesia Pilar Neighborhood Association, including Ruby Woo, Esther Fonseca, Lucy Solórzano, Jose Diaz, Gloria Alvarado, and many residents near the project area for their support throughout the planning and on-going development of this project.