Landlords are required to register rental units pursuant to the Rent Stabilization and Just Cause Eviction Ordinance.
Effective November 18, 2022, the City of Santa Ana enacted the Rent Stabilization and Just Cause Eviction Ordinance (“Ordinance”) to regulate rent increases and evictions for certain rental properties and mobilehome spaces. Under the Ordinance, the City must create a Rental Registry and all landlords with rental units in the City of Santa Ana must complete and submit registration forms for each rental unit. The Rental Registry is an online portal where landlords will register their rental units, update rental unit information, update tenancy information, submit notices, and pay the City’s rental registry fee if applicable.
Beginning August 15, landlords in the City of Santa Ana are required to register their rental unit(s) or claim their rental unit(s) exempt from the Ordinance. Landlords should go to santa-ana.org/rental-registry to register their rental unit(s). To offer as much support as possible to landlords with the registration process, the City is providing:
- A detailed webpage with helpful resources including a User Guide, FAQs, and a video demonstration;
- Weekly virtual workshops in English, Spanish and Vietnamese;
- Staff and computers to assist landlords with the Rental Registry at the Santa Ana WORK Center at 801 W. Civic Center Drive, Suite 200, Santa Ana, CA 92701;
- A dedicated email address at rso@santa-ana.org for questions and assistance with the Rental Registry; and
- A Rent Stabilization Helpline at (714) 667-2209.
For more information about the Rental Registry or if you are a landlord and need help registering your rental unit, please call us at (714) 667-2209 or visit the City’s Rental Registry webpage. A link to the Rental Registry may be found here.
Allowable Rent Increases for Sept 1, 2023 through Aug 31, 2024
Additionally, effective September 1, 2023, the allowable rent increase for certain rental units subject to the City’s Ordinance will be 2.54%.
To read the full Notice of Allowable Rent Increase in English, Spanish and Vietnamese, please visit the City’s Renter Protections webpage.
If tenants or landlords have any questions, please e-mail us at rso@santa-ana.org or call (714) 667-2209 to speak with a Rent Stabilization Program representative.