Street sweeping is canceled on Thursday, March 13, 2025, due to rain.

Santa Anita Park reimagining

Santa Anita Rendering
Santa Anita Park recreation office rendering
Santa Anita Park groundbreaking ceremony
Santa Anita Park pool rendering

300 S. Figueroa Street

Groundbreaking date

May 31 , 2023

Construction timeline (estimated length of project and when it will begin)

Fall 2022 to Summer 2025

Project description

Synthetic turf sports fields are needed in order to increase the program time on grass fields. Experience shows if grass fields are used more than 20 hours per week they will end up as a dirt field. At Santa Anita Park we have the ability to change an existing grass field to a synthetic turf field for the community.

The Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Agency was successful in obtaining a multiple grants to make this happen. The new synthetic field project will also include other park improvements that will help make the park patron's experience at Santa Anita Park enjoyable. The project also includes a new 8,000 square foot community center that will house Recreation, SAPD Substation and PAAL (Police Athletics and Activities League) programming, as well as a fully renovated swimming pool and deck. Below is a project description of all the proposed improvements.

Project components

  • Recreation offices
  • Synthetic turf soccer field
  • Musco sports lighting
  • Concrete bleacher seating with shade structures
  • Upper terrace areas for group or vendor canopies
  • Concrete sidewalks
  • Site lighting
  • Basketball court renovation
  • Playground
  • Security cameras
  • Landscaping & irrigation
  • Parking lot expansion

Funding sources

Total project cost of $18 million with five funding sources:

  1. California Youth Soccer and Recreation Development 2002 Bond Act
    • $177,952 State of CA 2018 Park Bond – Per Capita Grant
    • $1,000,000 State of CA 20002 Resources Bond Act
  2. Community Development Block Grants
    • $1,911,839 Fiscal Years 2015/2016, 2020/2021, 2021/2022, 2022/2023
  3. Park Acquisition and Development Fees
    • $3,339,641
  4. Cannabis Public Benefit Fund
    • $3,083,578
  5. American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
    • $5,000,000 American Rescue Plan Act (ReVive Santa Ana)
    • $3,520,000 American Rescue Plan Act (ReVive Santa Ana)

Project history

The story of Santa Anita Park began on September 13, 1939, when residents from an eight-block area along South Figueroa Street were invited to help shape their neighborhood park.

The first community meeting took place on September 25, where local citizens gathered to discuss their vision for the space. A second meeting followed a month later, bringing together residents, City park representatives, a City Council member, and the project architect. During this session, the City outlined the construction process and presented preliminary design sketches for the park.

To ensure continued community involvement, a permanent advisory committee was formed under the name Organization for the Betterment of the Santa Anita Community. Reinaldo Valenzuela was elected President, and Mrs. Erma Garcia served as Secretary. One of the committee’s first initiatives was selecting a name for the park. Ballots with five proposed names were distributed, and more than 400 residents voted in favor of Santa Anita Park.

On May 23, 1970, the park was officially dedicated. Now, in the spring of 2025—fifty-five years later—Santa Ana will once again celebrate this beloved community landmark.


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