Santiago Park gashouse project

600 E Memory Ln
Construction period
Summer 2021 – Spring 2023
Project description
The project area is on the west end of the park and on the south side Santiago Creek. This area dubbed "The Gas House Area" has been undeveloped for many years. The approved project removed a portion of Valencia Street and in an effort to turn a formerly empty dirt area, into one that will become alive with park users. Improvements include accessible concrete walkways around the park that provide a walking loop connecting a series of new amenities: multi-level playground, group picnic areas, amphitheater, site furnishings, site lighting new riparian landscaping, renovated restrooms, and a restoration of the historic gas house.
Years ago, the community suggested improvements in this area and provided a sketch of their ideas; regular meetings were held with the Santiago Park Neighborhood Association to help and develop the concept plan. The plan and estimates were submitted to the California Coastal Conservancy for grant funding. The PRCSA was successful in obtaining a $1 million dollar grant for the park development and provided additional funding from Park Development fees and Capital Outlay Funds.
Project components
- Outdoor natural amphitheater
- Gashouse renovation including kitchenette
- Picnic facilities/tables
- ADA accessible concrete walkways
- Decompose granite jogging trail
- Security lighting
- Irrigation and landscaping
- Park restroom renovation
- Playground equipment
Funding sources
Total project cost of $3.5 million will three funding sources:
- State Coast Conservancy Grant
- Acquisition & Development Funds
- Cell Tower Revenues