Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall, libraries and community centers will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

SAPD commits to the 30×30 initiative advancing women in policing

Posted on January 26, 2023


The Santa Ana Police Department is proud to announce its commitment and official pledge to the 30X30 Initiative – Advancing Women in Policing. The 30X30 Initiative is a nationwide initiative to advance women in policing. The ultimate goal is to increase the representation of women in police to 30% by the year 2030 and to ensure policies and culture intentionally support the success of qualified women officers throughout their careers. Currently, women at the Santa Ana Police Department make up 10% of sworn officers. To reach our objective, the Santa Ana Police Department seeks to hire an additional 78 female officers by 2030. The Santa Ana Police Department is the first Orange County police organization to commit to the 30X30 Initiative, joining a coalition of researchers, policing industry leaders, including the International Association of Chiefs of Police.

As a premier agency in law enforcement, we will invest additional and intentional efforts into recruiting qualified women who bring unique characteristics and skillsets necessary to successfully respond to our community needs in Santa Ana. While we aim to hire, retain and promote women by building a culture where women thrive, we know that this culture is healthier for all personnel, men and women alike. Research indicates that a more diverse police force is better equipped to solve problems within their community and we will accomplish this through goals centered on equity, diversity and inclusion.

“I am honored to serve in this profession in a time where a higher representation of women is our industry’s and our Department’s priority. The women at the Santa Ana Police Department possess exceptional leadership, mentoring, and communication skills, which are critical in our recruitment efforts as we seek more qualified women in policing. Committing to this Initiative and diversifying our workforce will allow our department to better serve the community of Santa Ana,” said Chief David Valentin.

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