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  Dear Ward 3 residents, As the year comes to a close, I want to reflect on the challenges that we have faced here in Santa Ana—along with the accomplishments we’ve achieved together. Over the past two years, we have faced unprecedented difficulties due to an ongoing global pandemic. I am so proud of how...

Yes, a separate business license must be obtained when two separate legal entities are engaged in ongoing business activity. Each entity is a separate legal “person” under the Business License Tax Code and even where the underlying identify of the ownership of both businesses is the same, a requirement for each “person” doing business in...

As an owner-lessor who retains ownership of the commercial property at the conclusion of the master lease term, you do need to obtain a Santa Ana business license and report the gross receipts (gross rents) derived from the master lease. The leaseholder-lessor who is renting out units of your commercial rental property pursuant to the...

The business license tax for the rental of commercial real estate is assessed per property, based on the leasehold/ownership of the property. A separate business license is required for each separate commercial rental property location. The business license tax assessment is made on a gross receipts (gross rents) basis per property. A reduced basic tax...

Municipal Code Section 21-3 defines the business of rental of commercial real estate as including every person, whether as an owner-lessor or leaseholder-lessor, engaged in the business of leasing, renting, subleasing, subletting, providing, exchanging or trading without loss of ownership or leasehold any real property, dwelling, building, structure, premises or portion thereof for industrial, commercial,...

Renting to immediate family members related by blood, adoption or marriage is considered to be a business and a license is required. If you are renting only to immediate family members (mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters, brothers and sisters, and husbands and wives) and the amount you receive...

The business license tax for the rental of residential real estate is assessed per property, based on the ownership of the property. A separate business license is required for each separate rental property location. The business license tax assessment is made on a per unit basis and reflects the maximum number of rentable units making...

Municipal Code Section 21-3 defines the business of rental of residential real estate as including every person who engages in the business of leasing, renting, subleasing, subletting, providing, exchanging or trading without loss of ownership or leasehold any residential property within the City for purposes of general residency.

Yes, if you are a landlord and rent, lease, sublease or sublet commercial or residential property within the City, you are required to secure the appropriate business license, and a separate business license must be obtained for each separate rental property.

U.S. Postal Service Post Office Box or a private postal mailbox (PMB) address may be used as the mailing address of record for receiving information regarding a Santa Ana business license; however, a Post Office Box or PMB address does not constitute a business location for business licensing purposes. A Post Office Box or PMB...

No business license tax or other administrative fee is required for the operation of a commercially-based or home-based business specifically exempted by State or Federal Law. Supporting qualifying information establishing your business as specifically exempted must be furnished. A "Fee-Exempt" administrative business license shall be issued to qualifying exempted businesses.

Yes, if you operate a commercially-based or home-based nonprofit business, organization, or institution, you are required to secure a "Non-Profit" Business License. Information supporting qualification of your business as a "non-profit" must be furnished. No business license tax (other than an administrative application processing charge) shall be applied with respect to any bona fide nonprofit...

Yes, if your business is registered as “active” with the California Secretary of State and is reporting on a business return to the FTB and IRS from a Santa Ana location, it will need a business license. Maintaining a business entity within the City, whether it is transacting public business or not, is considered operating...

Yes, if you are a Transportation Network Company Driver based out of the City of Santa Ana receiving a 1099 Form, you must obtain a flat rate City Santa Ana Business License as an independent contractor. Note: once licensed in your home-based city you are not required to obtain a business license in the other...

Yes, regularly operating delivery vehicles, catering trucks, produce trucks, junk collection vehicles, pushcarts or wagons within the city will require a Santa Ana business license. A separate City of Santa Ana Business License must be obtained for each separate type of vehicle operated within the city.

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