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Please view or download the presentation for Environmental Justice Virtual Community Forum – Centennial Park and Sandpointe Neighborhoods in English here.

Please view or download the presentation for Environmental Justice Virtual Community Forum – French Court / French Park / Willard / Washington Square / Santa Ana Triangle Neighborhoods in Vietnamese here.

Please view or download the presentation for Environmental Justice Virtual Community Forum – French Court / French Park / Willard / Washington Square / Santa Ana Triangle Neighborhoods in Spanish here.

Please view or download the presentation for Environmental Justice Virtual Community Forum – French Court / French Park / Willard / Washington Square / Santa Ana Triangle Neighborhoods in English here.

Please view or download the presentation for Environmental Justice Virtual Community Forum – Central City / Pico-Lowell / Bella Vista* / Casa Bonita* / Valley Adams* Neighborhoods in Vietnamese here.

Please view or download the presentation for Environmental Justice Virtual Community Forum – Central City / Pico-Lowell / Bella Vista* / Casa Bonita* / Valley Adams* Neighborhoods in Spanish here.

Please view or download the presentation for Environmental Justice Virtual Community Forum – Central City / Pico-Lowell / Bella Vista* / Casa Bonita* / Valley Adams* Neighborhoods in English here.

Please view or download the presentation for Environmental Justice Virtual Community Forum – Madison Park/ Cedar Evergreen/ Cornerstone Village in Vietnamese here.

Please view or download the presentation for Environmental Justice Virtual Community Forum – Madison Park/ Cedar Evergreen/ Cornerstone Village in Spanish here.

Please view or download the presentation for Environmental Justice Virtual Community Forum – Madison Park/ Cedar Evergreen/ Cornerstone Village in English here.

In this issue: Affordable Connectivity Program AAOC Certified Rental Housing Provider Education Program Affordable Connectivity Program We are excited to share with you a new federal subsidy program that can help your renters pay for their internet service. The Affordable Connectivity Program, accepted by many Internet Service Providers (ISPs), gives households $30 a month to...

The Santa Ana Neighborhoods map also includes an overlay of environmental justice - disadvantaged communities designated by CalEPA for the purpose of SB 535. These areas represent the 25% highest scoring census tracts in CalEnviroScreen 4.0 with high amounts of pollution and low populations, and federally recognized tribal areas as identified by the Census in...

To bring the City into substantial compliance with the State requirements of AB 1236 (2015), Santa Ana has adopted a streamlining ordinance (Chapter 8 ARTICLE XVII) that facilitates the approval process for qualifying EVCS. Applicants planning to install a charging station at an existing building must accurately complete the application checklist in order to be...

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