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Please view or download the presentation for Environmental Justice Virtual Community Forum – Riverview West in Vietnamese here.

Please view or download the presentation for Environmental Justice Virtual Community Forum – Riverview West in Spanish here.

Please view or download the presentation for Environmental Justice Virtual Community Forum - Riverview West in English here.

Please view or download the presentation for the Housing Element Virtual Roundtable Forum #1 in Vietnamese here.

Please view or download the presentation for the Housing Element Virtual Roundtable Forum #1 in Spanish.

Please view or download the presentation for the Housing Element Virtual Roundtable Forum #1 in English.

Related Bristol is a proposed mixed-use development program that includes up to 3,750 residential units, 250 hotel rooms, 200 units of senior continuum care, and 350,0000 sf of retail and restaurant uses, in addition to extensive open space connected by a network of landscaped paseos and pedestrian-friendly pathways.

Beginning as early as Monday, August 29, full intersection closures for the 4th Street and Broadway intersection and the Santa Ana Boulevard and Broadway intersection will take place for OC Streetcar track construction. Crews will be present during daytime work hours, but closures and detour routes will be in place 24 hours a day. This...

Welcome! Dear neighbors, Welcome to our Ward 5 newsletter, where I share news, legislative updates, community events and highlight local art, businesses, and causes that are important to Ward 5 residents. As we approach the end of summer, I want to cover some important news that affects our community. First, I want to let you...

Download or view the presentation for the Housing Element Virtual Roundtable Forum #2 in Vietnamese.

Download or view the presentation for the Housing Element Virtual Roundtable Forum #2 in Spanish.

Download or view the presentation for the Housing Element Virtual Roundtable Forum #2 in English.

At the August 2, 2022 meeting, the City Council adopted a resolution directing staff to present a proposed voter ballot measure on the November 8, 2022 General Municipal Election to amend the City Charter by imposing a lifetime ban for the Mayor after completion of four terms and a lifetime ban for Councilmembers after completion...

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