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In December 2011, the City began the process of developing a greenhouse gas inventory and forecast. The year 2008 was identified as the baseline year due to having the most complete data. For 2008, Santa Ana generated 1,959,431 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MTCO2) emissions; 5.47 MTCO2e per capita, the statewide average is 13...

Conduct a baseline greenhouse gas emissions inventory and forecast emissions to 2020 and 2035 (completed) The inventory provided critical insights into the sources and sectors that contribute to emissions resulting from city operations and community-wide activities. A greenhouse gas emissions inventory was the first step and was the key to developing a successful Climate Action...

The City invited its residents and businesses to participate in the public process and support the City's development and implementation of the Climate Action Plan. The purpose of these public events was to inform the community of the status of the project and to receive input from the public. In doing so, we gained collaborative...

The City of Santa Ana's accomplishments include many dynamic and innovative initiatives, which are making a difference in our community. In January 2012, the City developed its Sustainability Accomplishments report which outlines the many positive and successful environmental initiatives. Sustainability grants The City of Santa Ana strives to keep the City's costs down by applying...

California has adopted a wide variety of regulations aimed at reducing the State's GHG emissions. The adoption and implementation of this legislation demonstrates California's leadership in addressing this critical challenge. The State of California has taken a number of recent steps to address climate change, to which local governments will need to respond. U.S. Mayors...

By using our resources wisely, we not only improve the environment but improve the quality of life for our community. The City has developed a Climate Action Plan that will provide a framework for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and managing our natural resources. The California Public Utilities Commission made funding available to those cities...

The City has established a Hybrid and Alternative Fuel Vehicle Acquisition Policy to be environmentally sensitive in the purchasing and leasing of vehicles for City use. The listing of vehicles to be replaced is included in the City’s annual budget. The priority is to replace vehicles with the cleanest and most fuel-efficient vehicles that also meet the...

Please read the instructions for completing the Barking Dog or Noisy Animal complaint here.

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