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The City's Code Enforcement Division is committed to maintaining and improving the quality of life throughout the community including working with business owners to educate and resolve code enforcement issues. Building relationships and knowledge of the community is integral to a proactive and professional Code Enforcement approach.

Disclaimer The following information is provided as general information for an initiative, referendum, or recall in the City of Santa Ana ("City"). The City is not advocating for or against any particular petition and the City Clerk does not provide legal advice to the public. It is strongly recommended that proponents consult with a private...

About the agenda To view the agenda and items, select HTML Agenda. Note that the HTML agenda is powered by Google Translate. To download or view the attachments (staff report and other supporting documentation) for each agenda item, you must select the agenda item and you will see an option to either open in a...

About ward-based election In 2018, we transitioned from at-large elections to by-district elections. At-Large elections means that all registered voters in the city elect each council member, whereas by-district elections means that only the registered voters who reside in a particular ward vote for the council seat for that ward. The first by-district election for...

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