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Frequently asked recruitment questions We know that frequently applicants feel lost in the process of applying for employment. To make the system work for you, we have developed this brief summary of the most frequently asked questions. Whether you are applying for the first time, or have previously filed an application, this information will be...

The City of Santa Ana Human Resources Department Talent Acquisition Division works with City agencies and departments to identify staffing needs and hire the best talent to serve the city. The City of Santa Ana is looking for individuals who are results-oriented, possess great attitude, demonstrate creativity and innovation, work efficiently, show a record of...

The Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Program is a voluntary program for families who are currently receiving the Housing Choice Voucher. The program is designed to help families in the Section 8 housing become economically independent through financial literacy. What does the program provide? The opportunity to work with a Workforce Specialist who will help you...

We are open for in-person visits at the Public Works counter on the first floor of City Hall by appointment only. Counter hours The new counter hours are: Monday , Tuesday, Thursday and alternate Fridays from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Wednesday from 8:00 am to 2:00pm.  Appointments to visit Public Works Agency Central Files...

About The City’s Public Works Agency is responsible for maintaining the citywide water and sewer system. The agency serves a population of 330,920 people and is responsible for maintaining 390 miles of sewer main, 7,000 sewer manholes, two sewage lift stations, and two force mains. The majority of the City’s sewer mains range from 6”...

Program overview To help provide adequate on-street parking for residents, the City of Santa Ana's parking permit program establishes permit parking districts in residential areas and issues parking permits to allow only those vehicles with parking permits to park on the streets in that permit parking district. What is the purpose of permit parking? The purpose of residential permit...

Traffic counts Traffic Census - 2017-2018 Pedestrian counts – under construction. Programs: Speed Hump Program – Under Construction. Neighborhood Traffic Plan – Under Construction. Studies: Safe Mobility Santa Ana Plan Central Santa Ana Complete Streets Plan . Downtown Complete Streets - under construction. Citywide Santa Ana Safe Routes to School Plan Santa Ana Vision Zero...

Santa Ana remains committed to reducing our carbon footprint and encouraging the use of zero emission vehicles. Santa Ana is also dedicated to investing funds into communities to help reduce air pollution generated by mobile sources and improve air quality within the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (SCAQMD) jurisdiction. We installed 13 additional electric fleet...

The new California Mortgage Relief Program is now accepting applications. Homeowners may be eligible for mortgage relief funds if they have missed payments for their primary residence, faced a financial hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic and are at or below 100 percent of their county’s Area Median Income. Funds awarded to qualified homeowners through this...

A Street vacation is an act by the legislative body to abandon the public right to use a public street or public alley. Street vacations (summary and general (non-summary)) are governed by the provisions of the streets and highways code. The processing time for the summary vacation can vary from 3-6 months, and general vacation...

An easement can be a dedication or an offer of dedication on a subdivision map and by a separate instrument. The separate instrument must be accompanied by a legal description titled Exhibit “A” and a plat titled Exhibit “B”. The easements are for the construction of public facilities associated with a development project, the types...

A Subdivision map is used to divide a property into smaller parcels, lots, or condominiums. The subdivision map must be submitted for review prior to the expiration of the tentative map. The subdivision map is reviewed for consistency with the approved tentative map, and improvement plans for the subdivision.  Initial Submittal Documents  Approved tentative map....

The City of Santa Ana seeks to permit wireless carriers to install small cell wireless facilities within the public right-of-way in order to provide improved cellular coverage and capacity throughout the City; while ensuring facilities are well-maintained and do not significantly detract from City streetscapes. The Public Works  Agency may update the Design Guidelines and...

For more information visit our Storm water webpage

Initially you  will apply for grading plan review in the Planning and Building department.  Public Works Development engineering department staff will then review the grading plans, often in association with a storm Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP).  Upon approval by Public Works Agency,  you will work with Planning and Building Agency to obtain the grading...

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