Shop Local
Why shop local?
Locally-owned businesses are the backbone of our local economy and the foundation of Santa Ana's unique culture. Your purchasing choices have a huge impact on Santa Ana. Locally-owned businesses are more likely to recirculate your purchase dollars into payments to other local suppliers. Economists call this a “multiplier effect,” because it redirects more jobs and sales-tax revenue into our own community. Join the movement to think local, be local, and buy local.
Remember: Shop Local. Shop Santa Ana.
Visit our Destination Marketing Organization (DMO), Travel Santa Ana, for additional lists of businesses to shop at locally.

How Businesses Can Participate
Santa Ana small businesses are encouraged to participate in the “Shop Santa Ana” shop local campaign and can do so by:
- Add your business to our registry here or below, to receive window clings of shop Santa Ana logo.
- Please note, businesses added to the registry are at the discretion of the Economic Development staff.
- Use hashtag #shopsantaana and logo (download below) when posting your goods and services.
- Tag @santaanadoesbusiness so that we can repost your posts on our page or stories.
- Encourage your customers to tag @santaanadoesbusiness and use #shopsantaana hashtag on their feeds to spread awareness about the campaign and why shopping local is important for small businesses.
- Download the “thank you” postcard to write a message to your customers - Link below.
How Customers Can Participate
Customers shopping in Santa Ana are encouraged to participate in the “Shop Santa Ana” shop local campaign and can do so by:
- Use hashtag #shopsantaana when posting your purchases on social media
- Tag @santaanadoesbusiness so that we can repost you on our page - reposting is at the discretion of the Economic Development Team.
Thank you Message
Businesses who participate in this years shop local campaign can download a thank you post card below OR email to request thank you cards.
#ShopSantaAna Graphics
Businesses who participate in this years shop local campaign can download the Shop Santa Ana logo below and use it on photos for social media
Tips for businesses:
Post content between 9 AM - 12 PM CT from Tuesday to Thursday. Connecting with your community in real-time is more important than ever. From updates to community check-ins to product highlights, ensure you prioritize your posts during peak hours.
Please note, businesses that have not been featured on the Shop Local Map or Shop Local social media posts previously, will be given preference first. This is to ensure fairness when highlighting our local business. Thank you!