Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall, libraries and community centers will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Special Event Sponsorship Program



Applications are accepted online only at Submittable.com.
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis, please see table below for application deadlines.

The online application will prompt you to submit the information directly into the fields and to upload the submission materials described in the application guidelines. Please prepare all required materials.

Deadlines to submit

Arts & Culture Commission Meetings

Monday - September 11, 2023 Thursday - September 21, 2023
Monday - October 9, 2023 Thursday - October 19, 2023
Monday - November 6, 2023 Thursday - November 16, 2023
Monday - December 11, 2023 Thursday - December 21, 2023
Monday - January 8, 2024 Thursday - January 18, 2024
Monday - February 5, 2024 Thursday - February 15, 2024
Monday - March 11, 2024 Thursday - March 21, 2024
Monday - April 8, 2024 Thursday - April 18, 2024
Monday - May 6, 2024 Thursday - May 16, 2024


To establish a Community Development Agency (CDA) – Arts & Culture Special Event Sponsorship Policy and guidelines for disbursement of funds to sponsor special events produced by nonprofit organizations, businesses, City recognized neighborhood associations, individuals, and community organizations within the 2023-2024 fiscal year.


In July 2023, the Community Development Agency received $200,000 for Special Event Sponsorships conducted by nonprofit organizations, businesses, City-recognized neighborhood associations, individuals, and community organizations


This policy governs the approval of sponsorships by the City of Santa Ana (“City”) of special events, conducted by nonprofit organizations, businesses, City recognized neighborhood associations, individuals, and community organizations. Pursuant to this policy, and as approved by designated staff from Community Development Agency, the City will consider entering into sponsorship direct payment vouchers (DPVs) that further the City’s mission by providing monetary support for special events conducted by  external groups in the City.

However, the City recognizes that the public trust and perception of its integrity and impartiality may be damaged by sponsorships that:

  1. establish or are perceived as establishing an inappropriate association;
  2. are perceived to be politically oriented;
  3. are perceived to have religious proselytism;
  4. are offensive to segments of its citizenry; or
  5. are aesthetically displeasing.

Therefore, the City will only consider sponsorships in limited circumstances as outlined in this policy

Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Available Funds - The Community Development Agency has $200,000 available during fiscal year 2023-2024 to sponsor Special Events for eligible applicants whose events and programs support the City’s mission and provide a community benefit. Applicants may apply for up to $15,000. The Community Development Agency will have the final authority to approve sponsorship requests and staff will process the sponsorship request(s) accordingly. Applicants may request sponsorship funds via Direct Payment by submitting a Special Event Sponsorship Request Form (“SESRF”) to the Community Development Agency, a sample of the form is attached to this policy.  All sponsorships are subject to the terms and conditions stated in the Sponsorship Policy located on the website: santa-ana.org/special-event-sponsorship-program.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis, and funds will be distributed until exhausted. Deadline to submit application is the Monday of the week before the regular Arts & Culture Commission meeting.

  • Use of Sponsorship Funds - The sponsorship funds may be applied towards the following:
  1. Special Event expenses;
  2. On-going program costs/expenses;
  3. Special Events Application or Permit fees;
  4. Reservation fees for facilities and equipment owned by the City;
  5. Event must be completed before June 30, 2024;
  6. If the event has not been completed by June 30, 2024, awarded funds to the organization will need to be returned to the City;
  7. Event should occur at least 2 weeks from date of Arts & Culture Commission meeting since we need time to process the paperwork, and the City cannot sponsor events after it is over.

Event should occur at least 2 weeks from date of Arts & Culture Commission meeting since we need time to process the paperwork, and the City cannot sponsor events after it is over

  1. Contact Information;
  2. Organization Information:
    1. Direct Payment Amount;
    2. Event Location;
    3. Description of Event/Purpose;
    4. Community Benefit (identify how the event, program, service will benefit the community and/or the event participants, briefly describe the positive impact to the community).
  3. Applicant Signature & Date;
  4. If accepted, Applicants must submit a current W-9 Form with pertinent information and signature.
  5. Approval of application does NOT imply that your locations listed are approved as well. Please contact appropriate entity to reserve the location and dates.
  6. If your event requires a permit, you will be asked to obtain a Santa Ana Business License.
  7. Reserving Park space may require additional fees such as insurance and permits

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible Applicants:

  1. Nonprofit Organizations 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) located in or serve the residents and businesses in Santa Ana;
  2. Neighborhood Associations in Santa Ana;
  3. Businesses that have a current/active Santa Ana business license;
  4. Individuals/Community Organizations.

Ineligible Applicants:

  1. Entities that promote the sale or consumption of tobacco products;
  2. Entities that promote the sale or consumption of illegal drugs;
  3. Entities that promote gambling;
  4. Entities that promote the sale or consumption of alcoholic beverages, or that primarily sell alcoholic beverages such as bars, but not including restaurants;
  5. Sexually oriented businesses as defined in Chapter 41, Article XVII of the City Code, and entities that promote the sale or dissemination of erotic materials or services;
  6. Political parties or political advocacy groups;
  7. Events with religious purposes that serve to proselytize;
  8. Inappropriate expenditures such as professional sporting events, alcohol, or jewelry;
  9. Applicants engaged in active litigation with the City and/or have active code enforcement violations, or a history of multiple code enforcement violations.

We do not fund:

  1. Events held, performed, or exhibited outside of the City of Santa Ana;
  2. Events that are not accessible to the public;
  3. Funds going directly into trusts, endowments, or cash reserves.

The City shall consider the following non-exclusive criteria:

  1. Whether the event is free and open to the public;
  2. Whether the expenditure is normal and customary;
  3. The relationship and importance of the event to the City’s mission;
  4. Whether and the extent to which the event will create financial or administrative burdens on the City or require additional personnel;
  5. The extent and prominence of communications to the public regarding the event;
  6. The aesthetic characteristics of communications to the public regarding the event;
  7. Whether the sponsorship will establish, or will be perceived as establishing an inappropriate association;
  8. Whether the event is, or will be perceived to be politically oriented; religiously oriented; or offensive to segments of the City’s citizenry;
  9. Whether the persons or organizations affiliated with the event manufacture products, take positions, or otherwise engage in activity that is/are inconsistent with local, state, of federal law, or city policies, or city mission
  10. Other factors that might undermine public confidence in the city’s impartiality or interfere with the efficient delivery of city services or operations;
  11. Whether this grant is used to complete a project that has already been funded through the City (ex: Artist Grant);
  12. Whether the applicant failed to comply with other city grant funding requirements.

Application Submission

  1. Applicant may apply for only one sponsorship per fiscal year;
  2. Only one application per project will be accepted. Different applicants may not apply separately for the same project;
  3. Applicant may not apply for the same expenses within the same project from different funding sources from the City;
  4. Accepted applications must be approved by a majority of the Arts & Culture Commissioners. In case of a tie, the application will be declined;
  5. Applicant is allowed to re-apply if declined in a round.


  1. APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED ONLINE ONLY: https://cityofsantaana.submittable.com/submit
  2. Deadline to submit application is the Monday of the week before the regular Arts & Culture Commission meeting.
    Monday – September 11, 2023 Thursday – September 21, 2023
    Monday – October 9, 2023 Thursday – October 19, 2023
    Monday – November 6, 2023 Thursday – November 16, 2023
    Monday – December 11, 2023 Thursday – December 21, 2023
    Monday – January 8, 2024 Thursday – January 18, 2024
    Monday – February 5, 2024 Thursday – February 15, 2024
    Monday – March 11, 2024 Thursday – March 21, 2024
    Monday – April 8, 2024 Thursday – April 18, 2024
    Monday – May 6, 2024 Thursday – May 16, 2024
  3. Initial Review & Eligibility – Community Development Agency (CDA) staff will review the SESRF for eligibility and verify that the applicant is eligible and in good standing with the City and IRS. If the applicant failed to comply with other city grant funding requirements, opportunities for this funding may be impacted.
  4. Approval – Once the CDA staff verifies that the SESRF meets the eligibility criteria, then the application will be reviewed by the Arts & Culture
    Commissioners (ACC) at their regular monthly meeting.The ACC reserves the right to approve an amount that is less that what the applicant requested. Therefore, it is encouraged that applicant find other funding sources for their event. CDA staff will contact the Applicant via email to notify them of the approval and explain the payment process.Approval of application does NOT imply that your dates & locations listed are approved as well. Please contact appropriate entity to reserve the location and dates.
  5. Sponsorship Award Payment – The CDA will process the sponsorship request via the City’s Direct Payment Voucher (DPV) system through the City’s Finance Department.
  6. Payment Confirmation – CDA will confirm that the Applicant has received the sponsorship payment, update the tracking spreadsheet, and inform the respective ACC of the available balance for that fiscal year.
  7. Oversight – CDA is responsible for providing the ACC with quarterly updates of approved sponsorships and available fund balance at the regularly scheduled meetings.
  8. Conflict of Interest – The Arts & Culture Commission members are actively involved in the arts professionally and/or personally. The Commission desires to avoid situations which may compromise, or appear to compromise, members’ objectivity while not preventing their continuing involvement in the arts, or in projects supported by the Commission and City.  If the Commission member has a professional, fiduciary, and/or personal relationship with an applicant, the Commission member must notify the Commission of the relationship before the panel meeting or review of the applicant.  The Commission member must also excuse themselves from the room during the discussion of the applicant, and may not discuss the application with any other member of the Commission prior to, during, or after discussion of the application.
  9. Questions/Concerns – should be directed to the CDA staff at artsandculture@santa-ana.org

Additional Information

  • The City of Santa Ana is not obligated to select a finalist from the submitted applications and reserves the right cancel this application at any time.
  • Submitting an application does not constitute an expressed or implied contract.
  • Applicants submitting will receive notification of the results of the selection process.
  • Application materials will not be returned.
  • This application is subject to ordinances in effect in the City of Santa Ana.
  • Applicants are eligible regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, gender identification, military status, sexual orientation, marital status, immigrant status, or physical ability.
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