Street sweeping is canceled on Thursday, March 13, 2025, due to rain.

Subdivision (tract and parcel) maps

A Subdivision map is used to divide a property into smaller parcels, lots, or condominiums. The subdivision map must be submitted for review prior to the expiration of the tentative map. The subdivision map is reviewed for consistency with the approved tentative map, and improvement plans for the subdivision.

 Initial Submittal Documents

  1.  Approved tentative map.
  2.  Subdivision map.
  3.  Grading plan.
  4.  Utility plan.
  5.  Street Improvement plan.
  6.  Fire master plan
  7.  A title report current within 60 days.
  8.  A copy of each document referenced in the exhibits such as deeds, records of survey, parcel map, etc.
  9.  A letter stating the cost for the setting of the survey monuments, prepared by the Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer authorized to practice land surveying in the State of California.
  10. Improvement security estimate for all public improvements.
  11. Initial review fee payment.


Processing fees (Search Miscellaneous fees)

Submittal Page


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