Certificate of Compliance -CF-1R
CF-1R – Certificate of Compliance: Residential New Construction CF-1R – ADD Certificate of Compliance: Residential Additions CF-1R – ALT Certificate of Compliance: Residential Alterations
CF-1R – Certificate of Compliance: Residential New Construction CF-1R – ADD Certificate of Compliance: Residential Additions CF-1R – ALT Certificate of Compliance: Residential Alterations
California Energy Commission Hotline: (800) 772-3300 https://www.energy.ca.gov/programs-and-topics/programs/building-energy-efficiency-standards Email Cool Roof Rating Council: (866) 465-2523 California Association of Building Consultants (CABEC): (866) 360-4002
Energy Tips – Cool Roofs
Plans must be reviewed and approved by the following City agencies prior to permit issuance: City Agency Phone Number … Continued
Transmittal with permit/plan check number referenced Written response to plan check comments Original plan check markup plan set (3) sets of revised plans for architectural and structural plans (2) sets of revised plans for mechanical, electrical, or plumbing plans
Completed Permit Application(s) Completed Plan Check Submittal Form Minimum of Planning approval of the Certificate of Occupancy (for non-residential projects if applicable) Submittal of plans and specifications Applicable documentation including structural calculations and Title 24 energy calculations (2 sets of each) Mechanical, electrical and plumbing plans, where required, must be submitted separately
The number of plans required varies by project. Click here for a list of plan types and the number of sets required. For projects requiring fire review by the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA), an additional (2) sets and an electronic copy are required for OCFA per OCFA handout.
Plans shall be on a minimum 18″ x 24″ paper for archiving Plans and specifications shall be drawn to scale Plans shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature, and extent of the work proposed Plans shall show in detail that the project will conform to the provisions of the applicable building codes … Continued
In order for a construction permit to be issued and the work to be properly inspected, plans must be prepared and submitted to the city for review and approval. Plan check involves review of the submitted plans by various city departments to meet its respective code requirements. Once the plans have been approved by all … Continued
Residential projects will not receive a Certificate of Occupancy as your signed job card is your proof of final inspection/approval.