Street sweeping is canceled on Thursday, March 13, 2025, due to rain.

FAQ Topic: Summer Splash Day Camp FAQs

Can I get a refund after reading the FAQ?

Refunds are available until the Monday before camp starts, with a $17 processing fee. For example, if camp starts June 2nd, the last day to request a refund is May 26th.

Are swim lessons part of camp?

Yes, participants will receive swimming lessons on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. We will have camp recreational swim on Monday and Wednesday.

What if my child ages out and turns 13 or ages in and turns 5?

To optimize your child’s experience camp, our experiences are specifically designed for children ages 6-12 years old. Special circumstances may be considered on a case-by-case basis. We also have teen summer programs where they can attend programs with peers their own age.

Can I pay only for excursions?

Excursions are included in the weekly fee, and we encourage full participation. There’s no separate fee for excursions.

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