Traffic Engineer speaks at Public Works Conference

Posted on May 1, 2024

picture of traffic engineer, Ruben Castaneda presenting at Public Works conference

On April 17, 2024, at the 25th Annual American Public Works Association PWX SoCal Conference, City of Santa Ana Public Works Senior Traffic Engineer, Ruben Castaneda gave an engaging presentation on the “Santa Ana Vision Zero Plan” that has a goal to achieve zero pedestrian and bicyclists fatalities in Santa Ana.  The presentation discussed the plan’s analysis, findings, and recommendations.

Traffic safety impacts every Southern California public jurisdiction.  The presentation of the Santa Ana Vision Zero Plan provided the opportunity for other agencies to obtain ideas how they too may be able to address traffic safety as well as allows for open dialogue with professional peers on current state of practice.

The conference was  held in the City of Carson and attended by many Southern California Public Works professionals from both private and public sector.  For additional insights on the Santa Ana Vision Zero Plan visit

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