Cesar Chavez Day closure March 31
Santa Ana City Hall, libraries and community centers will be closed on Monday, March 31, 2025, in observance of Cesar Chavez Day.
There will be no street sweeping on March 31, but trash and recycling will be collected.

Training, resources, and programs

Resources and training

A California friendly landscape garden is about long-term sustainability and resiliency. It is more than selecting the right plants and irrigation system, it is learning the best ways to maintain your drought tolerant garden! One available tool is the California Friendly Maintenance Guide. This guidebook was created in collaboration with three Southern California water and utility organizations, to help promote a future with beautiful and sustainable drought tolerant gardens.

Selecting the right plants

There are a number of websites to help guide you through the Water Smart landscape design process. Two helpful sites are: BeWaterWise.com and South Coast Water Smart Gardening. In addition to photos of beautiful landscapes, both sites have extensive online databases of drought-tolerant plants, including photos and

turf removal

information about the plants, whether they attract wildlife, and more.

Turf Removal Rebate Program

While they may look nice, lawns of turf or grass are water guzzlers. Santa Ana is partnering with the Metropolitan Water District on a Turf Removal Program which offers rebates for grass removed and replaced with drought-tolerant landscape.

Water conservation regulations and resources

City of Santa Ana continues to be committed to reduce water usage and a sustainability future. According to a study done in 2013, about 67% of all water consumed in Santa Ana is from residential dwellings. To help conserve our state and local water resources, there are regulations on water consumption for Santa Ana residences and business, as well as tips for water conservation.

water conservation

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