Warner Avenue improvements
Warner Avenue is a regionally significant arterial roadway, providing east-west travel through the City. To enhance safety, mobility and overall quality of life in the neighborhood, the City is Santa Ana proposes to improve and widen the 1-mile segment of Warner Avenue from Main Street to Grand Avenue from four to six lanes. When completed, the proposed improvements will improve pedestrian and bicycle mobility and safety while creating a consistent major arterial facility as designated in the City’s General Plan Circulation Element and in the County of Orange’s Master Plan of Arterial Highways. The recommended alignment was selected to maximize benefits while minimizing overall impacts to the community.
Project objectives
The proposed scope for Warner Avenue Improvements and Widening project from Main Street to Grand Avenue includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Increase safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorist.
- Reduce traffic congestion and provide traffic calming.
- Improve storm water drainage, water quality, and air quality.
- Undergrounding of utilities.
- Greater public access with ADA improvements and dedicated bike lanes.
- Compliance with Complete Streets Act (accommodates all users including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, and motorists).
- Enhanced community beautification with significant public investment.

Project benefits
The proposed improvements have been designed utilizing Complete Streets principals to provide safe, comfortable, and convenient travel for all users – pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, and motorists.
- Safety: The narrow travel lanes and raised median will deter speeding through the project segment; Landscape parkways will provide a safe buffer between pedestrians and motorists; Bicyclists will travel in a designated bike lane instead of mixing flow with vehicles and pedestrians; Safety enhancement are proposed at the rail road crossing; Collisions are potentially reduced with controlled left movements and improved traffic flow.
- Accessibility: Installation of wider sidewalks, ADA compliant curb ramps, and bike lanes will greatly improve accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists.
- Traffic Flow: In the year 2020 this segment of Warner Avenue is projected to have a level of service (LOS ) rating of “F” (a road in a constant traffic jam). However, with the proposed improvements, the segment will operate at a LOS “A” (free flow traffic).
- Widening the roadway will also eliminate the existing bottleneck occurring at both ends of the project limits where six lanes merge to four lanes. Ultimately, the proposed Warner Avenue improvements will provide safe mobility for all users while improving traffic flow.
Documents for public review and comments
After careful consideration of public input obtained from the two open house meetings and the Scoping Meeting, the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared and available for a 45-day public review period beginning on January 12, 2015. All interested parties were invited to submit written comments on these documents until February 26, 2015.
Public meetings
Past meetings
- May 22, 2012 - Open House Meeting to provide background and gather feedback
- June 12, 2012 - Presentation to South Main Business Association
- July 10, 2012 - Open House Meeting to obtain comments and feedback
- October 18, 2012 - Scoping Meeting to discuss CEQA and EIR process
- February 13, 2013 - Meeting with Cherry Aerospace
- May 13, 2013 - ETAC Meeting
- February 3, 2015 - Public Meeting to present the Draft EIR and gather comments
- February 7, 2015 - Public Meeting to present the Draft EIR and gather comments
- April 8, 2015 - Meeting with various coalitions (Santa Ana Active Streets, Equity for All, and others) to go over project information and right-of-way process
- April 29, 2015 - Q&A Session at a special meeting called by the Delhi Neighborhood Association
- May 21, 2015 - Provided updated information and right of way process to the Delhi Neighborhood Association at their regular scheduled neighborhood meeting
- June 18, 2015 - Provided updated information and right of way process to the Delhi Neighborhood Association at their regular scheduled neighborhood meeting
- July 23, 2015 - Provided updated information Delhi Neighborhood Association and other interested parties
- September 1, 2015 - City Council adopted the Environmental Impact Report
- June 8, 2017 – Provided updated information to Delhi Neighborhood Association and other interested parties
- October 24, 2017 – Provide updated information to Delhi Neighborhood Association and other interested parties
- April 17, 2018 – Council meeting for Relocation Plan Warner Phase 1.
- April 25, 2018 - Provided updated information to the Delhi Neighborhood Association
- October 16, 2018 – Council meeting for Underground Utility District No. 37 Establishment
- July 17, 2019 - Provided updated information to the Delhi Neighborhood Association
- January 29, 2020 - Provided updated information to the Delhi Neighborhood Association
- February 18, 2020 – Council meeting for Relocation Plan Warner Phase 2. Relocation plan is available here
- November 30, 2020 – Provided updated information to the Delhi Neighborhood Association. Presentation is available here
- June 28, 2021 – Provided updated information to the Delhi Neighborhood Association. Presentation is available here
Project schedule
Check out our Capital Improvement Program webpage to find out about the project schedule.
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project Neighborhood Presentation – February 2015
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project – Right-of-Way Process Presentation
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project FAQs
- Warner Avenue Improvements Information Sheet for the Delhi Neighborhood
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project Relocation Plan – Phase 1
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project Relocation Plan – Phase 2
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project Notice of Availability of Draft EIR
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project Final Environmental Impact Report
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project – Project Information Meeting – April 2015
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project Real Property Acquisition Staff Report – April 2018
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project Community Update Meeting – October 2017
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project Staff Report – September 2015
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project Community Update Meeting – July 2015
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project Community Update Meeting – November 2020
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project Community Update Meeting – January 2020
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project Community Update Meeting – July 2019
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project Utility Underground District No. 37 – October 2018
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project Community Update Meeting – April 2018
- Warner Avenue Improvements Project Staff Report – April 2018
Le us know if you have any questions or comments about the Bristol Street Improvements Project.
- Email warner@santa-ana.org
- Call (714) 647-5013